Tuesday, October 6, 2009

its been busy around here.....

so...I am still looking for a camera so I still don't have any new pictures. Hopefully I will find one soon.
The weekend on the 25th-27th of September we went out of town to Stephenville to see my baby brother Kyle at Tarleton State University for Family Weekend. My sister and nephew and my parents were all there. It was a great time and I miss my family dearly.
September 27th, Ty turned 5!!! I just cannot beleive how big he has gotten and how grown up he is now. He sure isn't the baby he used to be! I am so looking forward to many more birthdays with him but am very sad that the years go by so fast! We had a little birthday cake for him while we were at my brother Frat house on Saturday when they had a bbq for the Family Weekend and Ty thought that was great.
I was out sick with the flu and bronchitis all last week. I don't think I have ever felt that bad before. It was so hard on me. I ran a 103 fever for 4 days and didn't get out of the bed hardly at all.
Then on Friday of last week Ty got the Flu and Strep Throat so he was sick too. It's been a rough one.
This weekend, we are having Ty's birthday party at the house. Nothing really big, just a moon walk and hot-dogs and lots of people. Ty is very excited to be 5 and cant wait for his party!
We are expecting a new baby on May 20th, 2010. I am 7 weeks and 5 days today and we got our first ultrasound! Daniel and I are very excited and Ty is SUPER excited about being a BIG brother!!

We go back to the doctor on November 3rd to hear the heartbeat and then go on November 9th to the Nucal Fold Scan (scan that checks for Downs Syndrome and other birth defects).

Please keep us and this baby in your prayers!! :)

P.S. I really plan on updating more, even if I don't have any pictures to add.

Friday, September 18, 2009


WOW-it has been a long time since I posted last! Things have been busy, WORK has been CRAZY, and I have been sick. I am so ready for the cool weather to be here, I love FALL! We are supposedly going to our first cool front next week and I am so excited! I am going to a garage sale this weekend (on Saturday) and spending the day with my cousin and her son so hopefully I feel better. Sorry this post is not so interesting, I dont have pictures because I am in the process of buying a new camera! YAHOO! So hopefully the next post will be picture filled!!!

Hope all is well out there in blogland--I'll be back soon!

Friday, September 4, 2009

I'm so excited...

and I just can't hide it!
and I'm staying till monday!!
I cannot wait!!
It's like a breath of fresh air!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

2 Special Boys


This special boy is my baby brother Kyle-pictured above with Ty from easter at my sisters house this year-and my borther is going through a WHOLE lot of mess - trials, consequences, sadness, anger, fear, guilt, frustration, hurt - and I am sure more, but he could really use some special prayer right now.

And...this special baby boy is my nephew, Darden who is 6 months old now and he is having some medical tests ran today and maybe more to come but please pray for him to be healthy and strong and to grow big so that he can run and play with Ty soon. (While you are praying for him plesae pray for my sister Audrey and bro-in-law Dusty while their baby is going through this time!!)

Sweet Jesus be near my family is these very differnt times of need!

In you name, Amen.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

boys...will be boys

I have always heard the saying "Boys will be boys." It made sense to an extent - that is until I had a little BOY of my own.

I swear boys are just differnt than girls! I don't understand how when I see a spider I want SOMEONE ELSE to come smoosh it...but when he sees a spider he asks for a jar to CATCH it!

This weekend, Daniel mowed the grass and came running in from the back yard screaming for Ty to "COME QUICK." Ty (followed by me, because I wanted to see what was SO important) ran out the back door to find Daniel pointing at a TOAD! EW! I remember playing with snails, and tadpoles, and little bitty frogs when I was little, but I don't EVER recal liking the big, NASTY, slimy, TOADS that can "tinkle" in your hand and give you WARTS!! GAG ME!!

BUT-Ty seems to like them and I like to take pictures so since my camera batteries were dead I used my cell phone-so please excuse the HORRIBLE quality of these next pictures.

That TOAD in the bucket!
p.s. we did let the TOAD go in the front yard before dinner and baths that night (all with a histerically crying little boy who LOVED that TOAD and wanted HIM as a PET!!) so-no TOADS were harmed during this post! :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Big Green Tractor

Daniel works for Shades of Texas which is an awesome landscaping company (that also does many other things). My Uncle Jon is the owner and Daniel really enjoys working there. He come home tired and dirty 9 times out of 10 but he says he loves that!

Today I got a text message from my Aunt Brenda with this picture of Daniel doing one of his MANY jobs...

It made me think of the new country song that is out right now, Big Green Tractor by Jason Aldean. I really like this song and maybe one day Daniel will "take me for a ride on his big green tractor, because as long as I'm with him it really don't matter."
I am so in love with that man!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Look

When I started this blog last month I didnt really know if I would keep up with it or not! I know I am very interested in reading the MANY blogs I read but I dont feel like I write near as well as them, so I was afraid I wouldnt keep it updated. I have really grown to love blogging and talking about all things going on in our lives so I might keep this going for a while. (Even if no one reads it.)

I also thought all the templates that blogger has all were very ugly but didnt quite know how to make my blog look better! So I asked my cousin Jennifer how she did her background and she told me to go to this site---and that's where we are now! Isn't my makeover SOOOO pretty??

Who knows, I might change it up again one day, but for now, this is SOOOO much better the one I had before.